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Monday, June 4, 2012

(A year ago) I Graduated from Middle School!!!

I've just graduated from Middle School (or Junior-High School ;red). I don't know how's my feeling right now, I feel like I... I'm happy for sure--who's not, k?--but not so happy too. Okay, I got good score on the national exams. Even I got the best score for the math at school. But yeah, graduation means separation-moment-from-the-friends. Oh okay, I don't know. Can I through the day at the oh-so-hard-life at the High School without my best friends? 

Oh c'mon who's believe that I've just graduated from Middle School today? I mean, this year? lol. What's written above is what I felt that time, right when I'd just graduated from Middle School. Exactly a year ago. Right on JUNE 4th, 2011. Not now. But honestly, I still have that feeling every time I remember 'bout that moment.

Time runs fast and I just realized that it's been a year since the graduation moment. Many memories I've left on the graduation moment, but not so 'cause I still keep it all safe on my mind. Right on my heart. The moment when I saw my graduation envelope and found a word "LULUS" (pass, in English ;red) I feel like... Oh so-blended-feeling. The moment when I saw both of my best friends cried happily and hugged each other and they joined me, and suddenly I feel like... I feel that oh-so-blended-feeling again! I was really happy, but kinda sad and kinda confused too.

Happy 'cause I'd just graduated. Sad 'cause I realized that I would be separate from y'all my best friends. And confused with the High School condition.

And without knowing, without realizing, it's been a year. A year long we didn't through the school days together anymore. Hey y'all, for my friends specially my best friends, don't y'all realize that it's been a year? It's already one year long, and I can see obviously that many person had changed. And to be honest, I'm kinda confused with this condition. But, who even care with this? I think no one--yeah, except the fool me.

A year through these days and be a High School student without the laughs, smiles, chats nor cries at school with my best friends. Without the letters we always send each other while the lesson. Without the things we hide from the teachers--such as mobile phone, novel, or comics, lol. Without the time we spent at the library, not for study but read nor borrow novels honestly -Hey! ya gals know that I haven't gone to the school library anymore, since there's no one want to accompany me like y'all? I think that room will never be the same as we've separated into the different schools. Without the games we played on. Without the poems that you made, the story you wrote. My day in High School would never be the same without you all, my dearest best friends.

Even my retreat moment on High Schol isn't as fun, or crazy as the moment in the same bedroom we shared together on Middle School's retreat. Hey! I still remember when one of you two fell down from the bed and we all laughed all night. Hit the wall together and made some noisy sounds at the night. Pretend to sleep when teacher walked in front our room and then we woke up again as the teacher left.

And honestly I miss the moment when the teacher mad of us (some students) in the class. And she started to scold us with her oh-so-make-lol voice. However, we didn't scared of her, but we laugh silently. :)) And how that teacher protect us--the girlies--but was really fierce to the boys. She said that boy will be a father someday and must lead the family, if they're lazy, they can be such a lackey. And the whole class would laugh right at that moment. Oh... I miss that moment.

Ah yeah, I remembered the time I spent with my friends to make an English Short Movie Project. Don't y'all know that I always laugh when I watched it for the million time? Whoever think that we could make such a funny and romance-but-kinda-bittersweet-romance short movie like that? Even many persons like it, laugh cause it too.

Can I say some things?

I miss that moment.
If can, can I have a dream nor go back to those moments for having that feeling for the 2nd time?
Can we meet again, my dearest best friends? Together I mean. Three of us. I've already miss the moment we made together.

I miss everything about the Middle School moments. They're just too beautiful to forgotten.

[p.s: Ah, It's been a year too since the 1st time of SJ's coming to Jakarta. Since the Korean Indonesia Music Concert Hosted in Indonesia, when there was SJ as the guest star.]

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