Tadi siang lagi gatau mau ngapain. Mau lanjut cerita, belum ada mood /plak/ Pada akhirnya, gue membuka data-data di komputer dan melihat sebuah wallpaper. Jeng jeng ini dia:
Gatau juga sih ini gambar darimana. Udah lama sih. Yah itu ada credit-nya di pojok kanan. Tiba-tiba sebuah ide terlintas dalam pikiran. I want to animate it! Make it moves! =)) So, this is it!
I know that it's still weird cause I'm still in progress with "animation". Ah yeah, the background isn't mine. I just found it on my computer too. I can't give the credit of the background 'cause I don't know where it's come from /hyeah. So, I just disclaim it (the background) as mine, hehehe.
I used Photoshop CS3 anyway. Well, I have the CS5 version too, but I've been feel comfortable with this one, hehehe.
Need the tutorial for animate some thing? Just click here!
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