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Friday, March 26, 2010

my artwork..

today i want to share my artwork with you.. :)these are anime picture..made by myself, use photoshop creative suite... i hope u like it.. :)

this is my 1st artwork..
so ugly!! b'coz i made this at the first time i use ps cs.. hahaa

then,, this is the 2nd art by me use ps cs ::
chara from kamichama karin-hanazono karin.. i just copied this from my wallpaper.. hahaha.. xD

the 3rd art use ps by myself.. :D
well.. i can't say anything except :: weird.. specially the hand skin.. >w< this is my own chara,, mizuno reika chan.. haha.. :D

5th art use ps by myself ::
a chara from kamichama karin chu :: kuga jin

6th art
absolutely u know who is this.. this is sasuke uchiha from the naruto.. hahahaa.. it isn't same with the original chara.. wkwkwk.. and one more thing :: this is WEIRD..


  1. bege dah.!! kga bisa keliatan full.!!! bzzz... pekgh.!!

  2. buad yang mo liad full version, visit :: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2022990&id=1464265990 ahahaa...


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