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Sunday, March 13, 2011


OMG ! OMG !!!
Minna san~ Chingu ya ~~ Guys and Gals !!!

From tomorrow I'll get the Final Exam..


Friday, March 11, 2011

Hasil TO 2

Oke minggu TO 2 sudah berakhir dan Puji Tuhan banget, ada peningkatan...
Nilai Matematika di TO sebelumnya cuma dapet 74, tapi yang kedua dapet 92...
Nilai Bahasa Indonesia di TO sebelumnya cuma 9.17 tapi yang kedua dapet 9.33

aduh tinggal IPA sama Bahasa Inggris nih yang belom gue terima ...
harapan gue sih dapet yang terbaik deh :)

My Opinion about SS3 Taiwan

Tepat hari ini baru aja terjadi suatu bencana besar di Jepang. Gempa dengan kekuatan 8.9 SR melanda Jepang dan mengakibatkan terjadinya tsunami setinggi 10 meter.

Tapi tau???? TAU GA ???
Hariini itu SUPER JUNIOR dijadwalkan SS3 di Taiwan. Sempet beredar rumor kalo SJ batal konser dan dipulangkan ke Korea karena Taiwan yang berpotensi terkena imbas tsunami. tapi itu smua HOAX. DAN TAU ???? SS3 Taiwan tetep dilaksanain... YAAMPUN...

gila duit emang itu perusahaan yang mengorbitkan SJ /ups. Maksud gue? Hello liat dong itu kasian banget nasib-nasib ELF Japan. Ga tega gue liat ELF Taiwan yang seneng-seneng sedangkan ELF di Jepang lagi kesusahan. ckck. bener bener ga punya hati coba.

SJ nya sendiri aja keliatan ga seenergic SS3 biasanya, bahkan ada yang bilang wajah Hee terlihat pucat pas SS3 Taiwan yang lagi dilaksanakan. PARAH!!

Seharusnya diundur aja itu, memang sih gue tau, pasti bakal rugi, tapi bukankah lebih baik ? Daripada sekarang? Yang nonton juga belom tentu 100% perhatiannya tertuju sama konser itu sendiri, begitu juga dengan SJ. ckckck


Pelanggaran sebuah komitmen penting(?)

Hari ini gatau kenapa merasa tergoda banget buat online internet... errwwww komitmen gue buat Hiatus sebulan jadi sia-sia (?) zzzz


Sunday, March 6, 2011


This month I will be busy with a lot of Exam, such as TO, 6th Final Exam, School Exam, and Practical Exam. And then next month I will get National Exam. No more time to enjoying life this month, so that I will hiatus from any Internet activity such as twitter-ing, blogging and chatting.

Really sad to say this, but I must do this :


promise! I will be back in April/May just wait for me. hahahaha

----------HIATUS MODE: ON----------

[FF Synopsis] Today And Forever

Title : Today and Forever
Genre : Romance
Author : Sefriska Maria -Me-
Synopsis :
Kim Eunri and Lee Donghae is a couple. They've been a couple since two years ago. Eunri really likes Donghae, because he's a kind and honest person. But since 1 year ago, Eunri thought something went wrong with Donghae because he was being very quite and weak. He never told his problem.
One Day Donghae gave a game to Eunri. The game name is "How strong are you?" and the rule is that Eunri not allowed to contact Donghae in one day full. Firstly, Eunri protest with it, but finally she took that weird game.
Almost One Day they lost contact. The game would over in 1 minute more. Eunri try to not sleep before the game's limited time over. When the limited time over Eunri called Donghae's phone. but the person that answered the call wasn't Donghae, it was Donghae's brother. He told that Eunri must go to a hospital.
When Eunri arrived at the hospital, she was seeing Donghae on the bed. He closed his eyes. Before Eunri could realize what happened, Donghae's brother gave a letter to Eunri. It was Donghae's letter. Donghae said sorry to Eunri because he never told her that he got a bad sick. He's got acute brain cancer. And then Donghae congratulated Eunri because she success with the game, he wished Eunri can do it everyday.
After read the letter, Eunri could realize what was happening. Donghae's gone forever. He dead. Eunri cried a lot. She couldn't stop cried. She hugged Donghae's body and still cried.


"Confession of a Teenage, DRAMA QUEEN"

Yeap mungkin beberapa orang yang suka baca novel pasti tau ini novel. Sebenernya sih ini novel terjemahan, karyanya Dyan Sheldon. Dan udah terbit dari tahun kapan tau, tapi guenya baru baca sekarang ._.

Udah selesai baca nih, ceritanya bagus deh. Punya tujuan yang jelas ga kayak cerita-cerita pada umumnya. Tujuannya tuh supaya Lola Cep - pemeran utamanya - bisa tampil sebagai pemeran utama dalam suatu theater sekolah dan ngalahin Carla Santini yang udah bertahun-tahun sejak TK jadi pemeran utama.

Novelnya bikin gue geregetan abis sama tokoh yang nama Carla itu, kalo di skolah gue punya temen kayak dia mah, behhh... gatau deh ya. hahah licik sih.
ni novel juga bikin gue menghayal ketemu idola gue si Donghae nyasar gitu terus gue jadi stalker nya dia..hahaha sama kayak pas Lola sama Ella jadi stalker nya idola mereka. asik banget deh buat dibaca. hahaha :D

TO 2

mulai besok sampe tanggal 10 Maret TO dimulai lagi hfft...

wish me luck ! ☺
Thank's for visit this little castle of Maria's Kingdom. Come here again please!