lama ga posting blog nih..hehe jadi gugup XP
sekarang gue udah kelas sembilan lho !! *sapa juga yang peduli (?)*
dan gue seneng banget atas prestasi yang gue raih di kelas delapan. Well, i get the first grade in my class :) semua itu ga akan terjadi tanpa campur tangan Tuhan Yesus :)
waktu kelas delapan gue cita-cita masuk kelas IX-I and actually now gue di kelas IX-I hehe.. but i really really sad when i know that i won't be one class with my best friend Ivana, Delly and my friend Miranti, and and and banyak lagi.. But I really really thank's to God b'cause gue ga sekelas sama seorang yang mungkin gue sebelin bukan karena apa yaahh..sebelnya bukan dalam hal yang negatif lhoo..
but actually I'm enjoying happy my new class. I still one class with my Best Friend Erika, and the other :) I meet my 7th grade friend too ~haha and I really really miss her .. XD
ntar kelas sembilan bakal hadapin UN buat lanjut to the next step. dan mungkin gue bakal lebih jarang lagi nih posting" di Blogger T____T sorry yya semua reader ~
and maybe sampe sini dulu kali ya, masih blom ada bahan buat ngebacot ..wkaka lagian bsok suruh hafalin lagu but saya blom hafal 1 lagu.. ==" bye bye ~
just for u know , my birthday is on 6 august and it will be one week again.. (Y) ^^♥
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